分析错误: Calcium-dependent transcriptional changes in human pancreatic islet cells reveal functional diversity in islet cell subtypes

Diabetologia;撤稿日期:04 August 2023

分析错误: Calcium-dependent transcriptional changes in human pancreatic islet cells reveal functional diversity in islet cell subtypes


The authors have retracted this article following the discovery of a data processing error that impacts the results. Specifically, the number of cells sequenced and analyzed was significantly lower than reported in the article. The authors have reanalyzed the data and concluded that, while the overall conclusions have not changed, many of the details have. The nature of this error makes correction unfeasible.



Pancreatic islets depend on cytosolic calcium (Ca2+) to trigger the secretion of glucoregulatory hormones and trigger transcriptional regulation of genes important for islet response to stimuli. To date, there has not been an attempt to profile Ca2+-regulated gene expression in all islet cell types. Our aim was to construct a large single-cell transcriptomic dataset from human islets exposed to conditions that would acutely induce or inhibit intracellular Ca2+ signalling, while preserving biological heterogeneity.


We exposed intact human islets from three donors to the following conditions: (1) 2.8 mmol/l glucose; (2) 16 mmol/l glucose and 40 mmol/l KCl to maximally stimulate Ca2+ signalling; and (3) 16 mmol/l glucose, 40 mmol/l KCl and 5 mmol/l EGTA (Ca2+ chelator) to inhibit Ca2+signalling, for 1 h. We sequenced 68,650 cells from all islet cell types, and further subsetted the cells to form an endocrine cell-specific dataset of 59,373 cells expressing INS, GCG, SST or PPY. We compared transcriptomes across conditions to determine the differentially expressed Ca2+-regulated genes in each endocrine cell type, and in each endocrine cell subcluster of alpha and beta cells.


Based on the number of Ca2+-regulated genes, we found that each alpha and beta cell cluster had a different magnitude of Ca2+ response. We also showed that polyhormonal clusters expressing both INS and GCG, or both INS and SST, are defined by Ca2+-regulated genes specific to each cluster. Finally, we identified the gene PCDH7 from the beta cell clusters that had the highest number of Ca2+-regulated genes, and showed that cells expressing cell surface PCDH7 protein have enhanced glucose-stimulated insulin secretory function.


Here we use our large-scale, multi-condition, single-cell dataset to show that human islets have cell-type-specific Ca2+-regulated gene expression profiles, some of them specific to subpopulations. In our dataset, we identify PCDH7 as a novel marker of beta cells having an increased number of Ca2+-regulated genes and enhanced insulin secretory function.

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