同行评审(Peer review)是用于在稿件发表之前对其质量进行评估的系统。 相关研究领域的独立研究人员评估提交的手稿的原创性、有效性和重要性,以帮助编辑确定是否应该在他们的期刊上发表手稿。
常见的4种peer review模式:
Single-blind(单盲): the reviewers know the names of the authors, but the authors do not know who reviewed their manuscript unless the reviewer chooses to sign their report.大多数杂志的模式。
Double-blind(双盲): the reviewers do not know the names of the authors, and the authors do not know who reviewed their manuscript.
Open peer: authors know who the reviewers are, and the reviewers know who the authors are. If the manuscript is accepted, the named reviewer reports are published alongside the article and the authors’ response to the reviewer. Frontier系列杂志采取的模式。
Transparent peer: the reviewers know the names of the authors, but the authors do not know who reviewed their manuscript unless the reviewer chooses to sign their report. If the manuscript is accepted, the anonymous reviewer reports are published alongside the article and the authors’ response to the reviewer. Cell等杂志的模式。
投稿后,peer review流程如下: