R:计算数据框中每一行的标准偏差 04/21/2022 23:12 • R • 阅读 215 RowSD = function(x) {sqrt(rowSums((x – rowMeans(x))^2)/(dim(x)[2] – 1))} 如若转载,请注明出处:https://www.ouq.net/1670.html 赞 (0) 打赏 微信打赏,为服务器增加50M流量 支付宝打赏,为服务器增加50M流量 生成海报 核酸和蛋白质的计算:分光光度法的转换表 上一篇 04/17/2022 全外显子组测序( WES ) 下一篇 04/21/2022 相关推荐 R:integrating and analysis single-cell datasets Introduction In this notebook I will go over several integration techniques for single-cell -omics data. These technique… R 08/07/2024 033 R package install ERROR: tidyverse-textshaping-ragg no-zero status 将程序包安装入‘/home/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.4’ (因为‘lib’没有被指定) 还安装依赖关系‘textshaping’ 试开URL’https://cloud.r-project.org/s… R 08/07/2024 047 R R: 使用公共数据库构建癌症预后模型 ## If you need to download other cancers, simply replace TCGA-LIHC with the corresponding cancer abbreviation in the fir… 06/30/2024 027 常用R包安装命令 if (!requireNamespace(“BiocManager”, quietly = TRUE)) install.packages(“BiocManager”) BiocManager::install( c(“AnnoPr… R 06/30/2024 033 R R:circos.heatmap-绘制环形热图包 The circos.heatmap() function Circular heatmaps are pretty. With circlize package, it is possible to implement circular … 01/04/2024 0540