- Merfishtools – [Python] – MERFISHtools implement a Bayesian framework for accurately predicting gene or transcript expression from MERFISH data.MERFISHtools用于预测MERFISH数据的基因或转录表达。最重要的是,可以在两个或多个条件下进行差异基因表达分析,包括倍数变化和变异系数的可信间隔,并控制FDR。
If you use MERFISHtools, please cite our paper
Köster, Johannes, Myles Brown, X. Shirley Liu. “A Bayesian Model for Single Cell Transcript Expression Analysis on MERFISH Data.” Bioinformatics 2018. https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/bty718.
MERFISHtools can be installed and updated easily via Bioconda.
For usage instructions at the command line, please issue
merfishtools --help
A typical MERFISHtools workflow is as follows.
Step 1: Estimate transcript expressions
Transcript expressions are estimated from raw MERFISH data via
merfishtools exp --threads 8 codebook.txt data.txt --estimate estimates.txt > expression.txt
merfishtools exp --help
for additional parameters.
The file
is a MERFISH codebook (example), consisting of tab separated columns:- feature,
- codeword
- expressed.
The last column has to contain a 1 if a feature is expressed (e.g. it is a transcript or gene), and a 0 if it is a misidentification probe (see Chen et al. Science 2015). Note that these probes are important for MERFISHtools to estimate noise rates and provide more accurate predictions.
The file
(example) contains MERFISH readouts in tab-separated format. The expected columns are- cell,
- feature,
- hamming_dist,
- cell_position_x,
- cell_position_y,
- rna_position_x,
- rna_position_y.
When using MERFISH protocol v2, you will have a binary file format containing the readouts. Merfishtools will detect this automatically.
Results are provided as probability mass functions (PMF) at STDOUT, in the format
- cell,
- feature (e.g. gene, transcript),
- expression,
- posterior probability.
Further, the optional flag
--estimate estimates.txt
results in a table with expression estimates of the form:- cell,
- feature,
- maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate,
- standard deviation,
- maximum a-posteriori probability estimate (MAP),
- lower bound of 95% credible interval,
- upper bound of 95% credible interval.
Step 2: Estimate differential expression
Two conditions
In case of two conditions, you can issue
merfishtools diffexp --threads 8 expression1.txt expression2.txt > diffexp.txt
to calculate differentially expressed transcripts. See
merfishtools diffexp --help
for additional parameters.
The files
(example) contain the PMFs of the two conditions to compare, and are obtained by running step 1 on the data for each condition.Output
Results are provided as tab separated table at STDOUT (here piped into the file
) with columns- feature (e.g. gene, transcript),
- posterior error probability (PEP) for differential expression,
- expected FDR when selecting all features down to the current,
- bayes factor (BF) for differential expression,
- maximum a posteriori (MAP) log2 fold change of first vs second group,
- standard deviation of log2 fold change,
- maximum a posteriori (MAP) log2 fold change,
- lower bound of 95% credible interval of log2 fold change,
- upper bound of 95% credible interval of log2 fold change.
Multiple conditions
In case of more than two conditions, you can issue
merfishtools multidiffexp --threads 8 expression1.txt expression2.txt expression3.txt ... > diffexp.txt
to calculate differentially expressed transcripts. Here, the coefficient of variation over the condition means is used as measure for differential expression. See
merfishtools multidiffexp --help
for additional parameters.
The files
, … (example) contain the PMFs of the conditions to compare, and are obtained by running step 1 on the data for each condition.Output
Results are provided as tab separated table at STDOUT (here piped into the file
) with columns- feature (e.g. gene, transcript),
- posterior error probability (PEP) for differential expression,
- expected FDR when selecting all features down to the current,
- bayes factor (BF) for differential expression,
- maximum a posteriori (MAP) coefficient of variation (CV),
- standard deviation of CV,
- maximum a posteriori (MAP) CV,
- lower bound of 95% credible interval of CV,
- upper bound of 95% credible interval of CV.
- NMFreg – [Python] – The method is proposed in Slide-seq paper and reconstructs expression of each Slide-seq bead as a weighted combination of metagene factors, each corresponding to the expression signature of an individual cell type, defined from scRNA-seq.
- Starspace – [Python] – Defines a schema for gene or protein expression data containing spatially localized information. Converts data from a variety of assay types, including Spatial Transcriptomics, CODEX, In-situ Sequencing, MERFISH, osmFISH, and starMAP. Demonstrates how to visualize and interact with these data using common analysis packages, and convert the formats into loom and anndata objects, for downstream analysis in R and Python.
- SpatialDe – [Python] – SpatialDE is a statistical test to identify genes with spatial patterns of expression variation from multiplexed imaging or spatial RNA-sequencing data.