gRNA Design在线设计网站资源

    • Green Listed – a CRISPR Screen ToolDesign gRNAs for custom CRISPR screens targeting a long or short list of genes provided by the user.
    • Eukaryotic Pathogen CRISPR guide RNA/DNA Design Tool (EuPaGDT)gRNA design tool with extensive selection of eukaryotic pathogen genomes (200+) that can predict gRNA targets in gene families, HDR oligonucleotide design, and batch processing for designing genome-wide gRNA libraries. PubMed PMID 28348817.
    • CRISPORThis tool helps design (10 different prediction scores), clone (primer design), and evaluate gRNAs, as well as predict off-targets, for CRISPR in 180+ genomes. PubMed PMID: 27380939.
    • sgRNA Scorer 2.0
      From the Church Lab: a tool that identifies putative target sites for S. pyogenes Cas9, S. thermophilus Cas9, or Cpf from your input sequence or list of sequences.
    • RGEN (RNA-guided endonuclease) Tools: Cas-OFFinder & Cas-Designer
      From the Kim Lab, Cas-OFFinder identifies gRNA target sequences from an input sequence and checks for off-target binding. Currently supports: Drosophila, Arabidopsis, zebrafish, C. elegans, mouse, human, rat, cow, dog, pig, Thale cress, rice (Oryza sativa), tomato, corn, monkey (macaca mulatta).Cas-Designer searches for targets that maximize knockout efficiency while having a a low probability of off-target effects. Cas-Designer integrates information from the Kim Lab’s Cas-OFFinder and Microhomology predictor.
    • CRISPR-ERA: CRISPR-mediated editing, repression, and activationFrom the Qi Lab, a sgRNA design tool for genome editing, as well as gene regulation (repression and activation). Genome support for bacteria (E. coli, B. subtilis), yeast (S. cerevisiae), worm (C. elegans), fruit fly, zebrafish, mouse, rat, and human.
    • CCTop – CRISPR/Cas9 target online predictorIdentifies candidate sgRNA target sites by off-target quality. Validated for gene inactivation, NHEJ, and HDR. Reference genomes include Arabidopsis, C. elegans , sea squirt, cavefish, Chinese hamster, fruit fly, human, rice fish, mouse, silk worm, stickleback, tobacco, tomato, frog (X. laevis and X. tropicalis), and zebrafish.
    • Off-Spotter: tool for CRISPR/Cas designProgram for designing optimal gRNAs. Provides feedback on number of potential off-targets, target’s genomic location, and genome annotation. Available genomes are human (hg19 & hg38), mouse (mm10), and yeast (strain w303).
    • CRISPR MultiTargeter
      Can be used to identify novel gRNA target sites in a single gene, as well as a target site common to a set of similar sequences. Organisms include human, mouse, rat, chicken, frog, zebrafish, fly, worm, Japanese rice fish, maize, Arabidopsis, and rice. Proof-of-concept performed in zebrafish.


    • ZiFiT Targeter
      Originally developed to identify zinc finger nuclease sites, this tool from the Joung Lab has been expanded to identify potential DNA target sites for TALEs and CRISPR/Cas.


    • CRISPRdirect
      From the Database Center for Life Science (DBCLS) in Japan; Identify candidate gRNA target sequences in an input sequence, which can be an accession number, genomic location, pasted nucleotide sequence, or a sequence text file you upload. Currently supports: Human, mouse, rat, marmoset, pig, chicken, frog (X. tropicalis and X. laevis), zebrafish, sea squirt, Drosophila, C. elegans, Arabidopsis, rice, sorghum, silkworm, and budding and fission yeast.


    • Target Finder (Feng Zhang lab)
      Identifies gRNA target sequences from an input sequence and checks for off-target binding. Currently supports: Drosophila, Arabidopsis, zebrafish, C. elegans, mouse, human, rat, rabbit, pig, possum, chicken, dog, mosquito, and stickleback.


    • E-CRISP
      Identifies gRNA target sequences from an input sequence and checks for off-target binding. Currently supports: Drosophila, Arabidopsis, zebrafish, C. elegans , mouse, human, rat, yeast, frog, Brachypodium distachyon, Oryza sativa, Oryzias latipes



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  • Star Protocol: 从宏基因组中提取 CRISPR 靶向序列

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