乳腺癌超声图像数据集-Breast Ultrasound Images Dataset

乳腺癌超声图像数据集-Breast Ultrasound Images Dataset


Subject area Medicine and Dentistry
More specific subject area Radiology and Imaging放射学和影像学
Type of data Images and mask images
How data was acquired LOGIQ E9 ultrasound and LOGIQ E9 Agile ultrasound system LOGIQ E9 超声和 LOGIQ E9 Agile 超声系统
Data format PNG
Experimental factors All images are classified as normal, benign and malignant 所有图像均分为正常、良性和恶性
Experimental features When medical images are used for training deep learning models, they provide fast and accurate results in classification, detection, and segmentation of breast cancer.
Data source location Baheya Hospital for Early Detection & Treatment of Women’s Cancer, Cairo, Egypt.
Data accessibility https://scholar.cu.edu.eg/?q=afahmy/pages/dataset
Related research article 1. Walid Al-Dhabyani, Mohammed Gomaa, Hussien Khaled and Aly Fahmy, Deep Learning Approaches for Data Augmentation and Classification of Breast Masses using Ultrasound Images [1]



Info hash d0b7b7ae40610bbeaea385aeb51658f527c86a16
文件大小 205.87MB (205,873,341 bytes)


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